
AP Application Load Balancer - v0.9.0-beta

GitHub: fititnt/ap-application-load-balancer Website: ap-application-load-balancer.etica.ai

AP-ALB is not a single software, but Infrastructure As Code via Ansible Role to automate creation and maintance of with features common on expensive Application Load Balancer of some cloud providers (e.g. Alibaba, AWS, Azure, GCloud, IBM, etc). It can be used both to create your own ALB on cheaper hardware on these same cloud providers or have your own ALB on any other provider of VPSs or bare metal servers. And yes, it handle automatic HTTPS for you on-the-fly even for clusters of ALBs, like enterprise versions of Traefik or Caddyserver.

AP-ALB is flexible: you can either use dedicated very small VPSs with the role of load balancing to another services or replace your Apache/NGinx/HAproxy in each server with AP-ALB. Consider around just 64MB of RAM per node as baseline. (So, if you are deployng in a dedicated 1GB VPS, consider at least reuse the same node puting behind the AP-ALB one Varnish-Cache!)

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Project overview

AP-ALB Goals and Non-Goals

Check goals/index.md.

Administrator documentation

AP-ALB Components

Check component/index.md.

Sysapplication Rules

Sysapps have the same features of Application rules (rules/index.md). The main reason is “to namespace” Application Rules that are intended for internal use only.

End-user documentation

Application Rules

The AP-ALB Ansible Role use YAML definitions as internal way to apply changes on your ALB nodes and (because of the underlining components HAProxy & OpenResty) the AP-ALB will require root access. This implementation could work fine on smaller implementations (when you have some trust on your developers will use this to access data from other applications) or medium to large hosting companies where you have someone from help desk to do some quick review.

The AP-ALB does not have one GUI or API. You may be interested in abstract some of this complexity with Ansible AWX / Ansible Tower or creating a custom GUI / custom API to pre-process what AP-ALB (or any other custom implementation that use our standard) will apply changes on your nodes.


Please visit http://ap-application-load-balancer-extras.etica.ai/

Some non-core features are not enabled by default on the base ap-application-load-balancer but are available on ap-application-load-balancer-extras. In general the extra features are more specific to the application deployment, like create system users, populate content for initial testing, basic installation of PHP, etc.

Most of the time the features of ap-application-load-balancer-extras could be replaced by other Ansible roles or created ad-hoc by you. But since the base ap-application-load-balancer Role support target platforms than most of the popular Ansible roles, we released an extra role just for these features.


Public Domain

To the extent possible under law, Etica.AI has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work to Public Domain.